Classroom to kitchen.
Dedicated to Providing the Best Culinary Education.
''Teach me and I'll remember, involve me and I'll learn.''
Classroom to Kitchen provides the perfect introduction to food education for schools.
* A session that will equip your class with everything they need to know about preparing a healthy meal from scratch!
* Confidence in fundamental cooking skills!
* Understanding of where food comes from and how it impacts health!
* Establishment of lifetime healthy eating habits at a critical early age!
* Development of key skills transferable across all subjects and real life!
* Awareness of how to prevent obesity and diabetes!
* Inspiring and child friendly chefs with unrivalled energy and enthusiasm!
* Age and ability customised lesson plans!
* Recipes students can replicate!
* Certificate of achievement!
* Your class featured on our galleries and recipes page!
* Impactful way to learn about science, other cultures, languages and history!
* Sense of ownership and achievement upon completion of the lesson!
We thought so! Have a look through our website to explore our service further and make a booking today!
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Better Cooking Starts With You!
''A hands on nutrition education programme that engages kids through food and cooking.'' Sandra, teacher
''As a dietician this scheme is fantastic as it shapes current and future eating habits.'' Kate, dietician
''Many parents have commented that their children are more willing to try new healthier foods becuase of the lessons provided. Some have asked to go shopping with their parents to make the recipes being produced in the restaurants.'' Mary, Principal
''Lessons are created with all the kids in mind.They have the confidence to take the recipes home and make them on their own becuase they have practised in the restaurant beforehand. Concepts like growing seasons are discussed and the history and variety of foods.'' Sarah, teacher
''The sessions were flexible and easily adaptable to all years and abilities. The environment was fun,interactive and engaging.'' Jerome, teacher
''The hands on aspect changes the students relationship with food. The children have a different attitude to certain foods after they've cooked them. It makes them less intimidated and more open to fresh foods and nutritious foods. That has a knock on effect and can shape huge aspects of their health and subsequent quality of life in future years.''Gary, parent